Saturday 12 November 2011


Privacy refers to the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves. Privacy issue apply to every aspect in daily life such as using internet for many purpose e.g. Facebook, messenger, online banking, eBay shopping or shopping from shopping center, receiving calls from telemarketers … Privacy is important in protecting our information related to personal details. It would be dangerous and may lead to crime case if our privacy leak to the wrong hands.
There is many ways to protect ourselves from identity theft such as never disclose information detail through the telephone survey unless you are aware of safety and limit the amount of information especially on the social networking websites. Always double check the information is correct. Read the privacy policies. Know your privacy rights. Never disclose the information related to banking over the phone. Install antivirus, antispyware and firewall on your computer. Monitor the banking statement, credit report for suspicious transactions and remember to make sure log off. Never use the password related to simple information such as birthdates, name of yourself, relatives. Watch out for scams. Keep personal information in private, safety place. Always be discrete covering when you key in pin number when do shopping outside. Never reply to suspicious email related to bank asking to confirm your details. Delete any suspicious email, junk emails. In serious case, report to the police if you feel your privacy, safety is violated. For more information, go to: (page 3),,,,