Saturday 12 November 2011


Privacy refers to the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves. Privacy issue apply to every aspect in daily life such as using internet for many purpose e.g. Facebook, messenger, online banking, eBay shopping or shopping from shopping center, receiving calls from telemarketers … Privacy is important in protecting our information related to personal details. It would be dangerous and may lead to crime case if our privacy leak to the wrong hands.
There is many ways to protect ourselves from identity theft such as never disclose information detail through the telephone survey unless you are aware of safety and limit the amount of information especially on the social networking websites. Always double check the information is correct. Read the privacy policies. Know your privacy rights. Never disclose the information related to banking over the phone. Install antivirus, antispyware and firewall on your computer. Monitor the banking statement, credit report for suspicious transactions and remember to make sure log off. Never use the password related to simple information such as birthdates, name of yourself, relatives. Watch out for scams. Keep personal information in private, safety place. Always be discrete covering when you key in pin number when do shopping outside. Never reply to suspicious email related to bank asking to confirm your details. Delete any suspicious email, junk emails. In serious case, report to the police if you feel your privacy, safety is violated. For more information, go to: (page 3),,,,

Biography of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela:

1918       Born Transkei, South Africa
1942       Qualified in law at the University of Witwatersrand
1944       Join African National Congress (ANC)
1948       Resistance against the National Party's rules
1956-1961 Went on trial for treason
1960       Setting up of a military wing within ANC.
1961       His proposal considered on the use of violent tactics
1962       He was arrested and sentenced for 5 years
1964-1982 Incarcerated at Robben Island Prison then Pollsmoor Prison
1990       Released
1991       President of the ANC inside South Africa
1993       The Nobel Peace Prize
1994       The first president of South Africa.
1942,     Qualified in law at the University of Witwatersrand
1961,     The formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe
1964-1982, During years in prison become a potent symbol of resistance as the anti-apartheid movement
1991       President of the ANC inside South Africa
1993       The Nobel Peace Prize
1994       The first president of South Africa.

Monday 19 September 2011

Watchdog saves health reform.

Article Week 8
From The Australian, date Wednesday, 8 June, 2011, page 6. .


-       Welfare groups fear - multiple minor disabilities – less likely to get disability pension
-       Canberra is trialing a new version -  welfare-to-work reforms – 6500 claimants would receive non disability-support pension - mental health – no DSP
-       Labor’s health reforms- salvaged -second time - state and federal minister- establish watchdog –in performing hospital
-       The Victorian and federal government - deal of substantial concession - recognise the role of hospital performance and financial stages.
-       The states and public hospital demand - changes to new independent pricing authority – the federal government - efficient price for hospital treatment and penalizing underperforming - cost patient more.

Based on the new version of Canberra trialing have informed that the welfare groups may fear the people with multiple minor disabilities maybe less likely to get disability pension. This new version would affect the welfare-to-work reforms and the number of 6500 claimants would be denied in disability-support pension claim. Those with mental health such as depression and anxiety may be disqualified for the DSP. The Labor’s health reforms together with the stage and federal minister has salvaged for the second time to establish a watchdog with meaning of power to control in the performing of hospital in the finance issue. The Victorian and federal government have come to the deal of substantial concession to states to recognise the role of hospital in performance and finance. The states and public hospital demand that changes to new independent pricing authority which the federal government has planned efficient price for hospital treatment and penalizing in underperforming for hospital will only cost patient more.

Personal reflection:
In my opinion, I dislike this article and I’m not pleased to support the state government’s idea in dismissing many cases of the multiple minor disabilities to get the pension support. Not everybody wants to live in that stage for the rest of their life. People who really need help should be welcomed and taken care by the welfare for what they have been through. Nobody wants to migrate to this country to live for the rest of their life in needing society benefit. Their unfortunate accident could affect them for their entire life. Their pain should be recognised and treated in the right way and depend on some case and their percentage of damage, the government should considered carefully before making these decision. I have seen so many fake vs. real cases; the only sad part I found is those company insurance doctors didn’t realize which one is fake vs. real. They all jump into one bad conclusion is denied all cases to avoid settling compensation and push all to the social welfare to take care of this matter. That is shameful issue.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Doctors think inside the box for fresh ideas on health

Article week 7
From Sydney Morning Herald, date 7-8May 2011, page 3
-          An apple, box of fruit/ week – keep people stay healthy – especially children under 14
-          Many families do shopping once a week – frozen food – poor diet
-          Doctor advice to make healthy food choice -> increase health, nutrition, blood test result
-          Buying medicine, antibiotic are more expensive than same amount of money to buy fruits
Based on research at the local families at Coffs Harbour in the Grafton areas showing that an apple a day or a box of fruits per week will keep people stay healthy especially children under age of 14. Many families are young families do shopping once a week with the choice of frozen food and make poor diet. Doctor advice to make a healthy food choice by increase fruit intake in their meal will increase health problem, more nutrition diet and improve blood test result. Doctor emphasised that buying medicine such as antibiotics are more expensive than same amount of money to buy fruits.

Personal Reflection:
This is an interesting article for everybody learning about the importance of healthy diet, by eating more fruits and vegetables daily could help people life is healthier and happier, which save the government healthy system budget a huge amount of money. Especially saving children life, they need more attention in the aspect of taking fruits, healthy diet choice in their daily life rather than junk food.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Spelling out how NSW preschools can do better. - article week 5

From Sydney Morning Herald, date Tuesday, August 16, 2011, page 3.

- Number of children in New South Wales (NSW) missed out on preschool education
- Other states 100% and NSW only 80%
- School fee and other expenses create many problems - disadvantage families.
- $220million- state government- will be funded to early childhood education program- assist more than 178000 children attend preschool in 2400 centers
- A good start for all NSW children in education.

Number of children in New South Wales (NSW) missed out on crucial preschool education, lowest rate compare to Victoria and other state, close to 100% children in other state have chance to enter early childhood education while NSW children have only 80%. The school fee in the for-profit preschool in NSW and other expenses on early childhood create a lot of problems to many disadvantaged families. The state government has reviewed $220million in funding the early childhood education which assist more than 178000 NSW children attend preschool and long day care in over 2400 centers. The goal is providing access to crucial early childhood education for all NSW children to get a good start and they do not fail behind others.

Personal reflection:
In my opinion, I like this article and I’m very pleased to support the state government’s idea in funding the huge amount of money into the early childhood education program. This will prove that the government starting to show the caring for the disadvantage families and give their children a chance to enter the early childhood education; help them improve their knowledge and create a better life for every family. Hopefully, there will be no unemployment in the future, everybody will be very happy to work in many fields and helping to create a better Australia.